Wildcats are leaving their footprints across Charlotte and the world!

Trinity alumni leave 8th Grade prepared to be curious scholars, servant leaders, confident risk-takers, and solid contributing members of our society. It is not uncommon to see our alumni embarking on international service projects, initiating clubs at their high schools, or leading the way in student government.
The connection of our students through their Koinonia group, whole-school initiatives, and cross-grade partnerships leaves our alumni with a school family where they are truly known and loved. Maybe this is why they so frequently return to campus to visit with former teachers and reconnect with their Science Buddies!
Connection is key at Trinity and it is one of the things that makes Trinity so special. We invite our alumni to seek out opportunities to volunteer on campus, attend one of our reunions, or update us on the great work they are doing in school and throughout the community. We are proud of the accomplishments of our alumni and look forward to following their future successes!