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Welcome to Lower School!

Our Lower School classrooms follow a workshop approach which allows student choice in the learning process, while also creating a naturally differentiated environment that taps each child’s unique potential. 

Our curriculum follows the expanding developmental path of children. Our students work toward rigorous group standards and yet, in our small school environment, we have the opportunity to embrace each child’s talents, aspirations and needs.

In our social studies and science lessons, children are placed in the sometimes difficult role of problem-solver and critical thinker, in both real and simulated scenarios, where questions and curiosity are encouraged, if not required. Older children read with younger ones as Book Buddies, classes walk hand-in-hand to ImaginOn and Discovery Place, part of our Uptown campus, and we begin and end each week in Chapel, to express our faith and love for God and each other, through songs and prayer.

Our teachers bring such passion, joy and expertise to their work every day, it’s no wonder that children race from carpool to class each morning, eager to dive in to their own work and to be among best friends.

It’s true, each day is filled with the steady buzz of children fully engaged in learning, and simply being–children.  I invite you to come and experience “the wonderful” yourself by visiting our campus and meeting our faculty, staff and students.

Wildcat Summer C