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The stories of Scripture and the experience of worship encourage children to connect the faith that is growing within them to the life they are living.  

All Trinity students in every grade receive instruction in Faith Studies in the classroom each week. Faith Studies includes knowing factual information about the Bible and the essence and background of world faiths. But at Trinity, Faith Studies is not just academic; it also includes providing children with practices, experiences and relationships that develop and strengthen their faith in God. 

Our goal is to help the children answer four questions of faith development from a Christian perspective:

  • “Who am I?” I am a child of God. (Identity)
  • “Who are you?" I recognize your differences and gifts. (Diversity)
  • “Who are we together?” We care for each other as one people. (Belonging)
  • “What are we called to do?” As God’s servants, our purpose is to seek justice, practice kindness and walk humbly. (Equity)

It is our desire that each Trinity student grows in his/her relationship with God and knows the power God has given him/her to change the world. Religious education and spiritual formation go hand-in-hand.

Wildcat Summer C